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join the juicy side - it is your destiny ciderling!

Not just a cheeky 10% off your first order, but a whole community of cidery joy. Sign up to our newsletter for a regular smirk at our expense. We share insights, secrets, and enthusiastic failures and welcome you to the orchard with open hearts!

Fermentation - Christmas markets - Hyper Consumerism

Fermentation - Christmas markets - Hyper Consumerism

The pressed apple juice is still fermenting, the tanks remaining a cloudy yellow / orange colour as the liquid churns and bubbles – but with the drop in temperature the process is slowing – soon it will stop and rest for a while. All our tanks ferment outdoors – we often get asked if it freezes or gets damaged? It doesn’t – the large 1000ltr volume in the tank and the alcohol effectively acting as an ‘anti-freeze’.
The festive season is upon us – a time of year we enjoy meeting with customers at Christmas markets and when dropping local deliveries.

Its great to have a chance to stop and chat, explaining how our cider is made, the virtues of our natural and ancient processes, as well as hear what people like about our local, small business. 

You may have seen our media coverage re ‘Bye Bye Black Friday’, at Bignose and Beardy, we pride ourselves on being a local, sustainable independent brand, and we disagree with promoting hyperconsumerism that encourages huge discounts.
As a small, community-based business, we encourage a more sustainable approach with mindful shopping and we encourage all of the Bignose & Beardy community to continue to support local independent sustainable brands that do their best to protect the environment, companies that set reasonable prices all year round. In addition, we encourage you to make purchases from secondhand and charity shops and upcycle, recycle, and reuse.

We would like to thank you for your custom over the last year and wish you a fabulous festive season and a happy new year.

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